"Designing solutions for the water challenge will contribute to the circular economy, the climate-resilient city, and the liveable city"


One of our main goals is to strengthen the relationship between people, societies and nature, so all can thrive. A positive, natural relationship with water is a key element to achieving this – even more so in the light of climate change and the growing world population. As a Dutch firm, we are steeped in centuries of experience with water management. This is integrated into our innovative urban and landscape strategies to provide solutions that will remain well into the future. Whether we design for coastal or riverine protection, potable water chains or blue-green infrastructure, we produce nature-based solutions that integrate naturally with local landscapes, cultures and communities worldwide.


Strengthening natural coastal protection

We believe in the power of nature-based solutions for coastal protection. Our designs and strategies provide multifunctional solutions based on the local conditions, the environment and the landscape. This allows for us to always create added value based on local identity: room for nature, increased biodiversity and safe, exciting, and unique places for living, business and recreation.

Katwijk Coastal Defense

Rivers as a lifeline

Cities around the world have developed alongside rivers, which have historically served as their vital lifelines. However, with urbanisation and industrialisation, this connection has transformed into an attempt to dominate water. In our projects, we see fit to re-establish a positive relationship with rivers by implementing nature-based solutions that not only improve water safety and quality, but also improve regional ecological and active mobility connections as well as tap into its potential for recreational activities. In our projects involving riverbanks and tidal parks, we let their dynamic character inspire us to create new experiences and uses.

Creator of meaningful places

The urban water machine

Cities and villages harbour endless possibilities for integrating source solutions for (rain)water into their fabric. We design nature-based solutions for collecting, distributing, infiltrating, storing, using, and enjoying water that are always smart, multifunctional and rooted in local requirements and identities. Our drive is to prove that the cities of tomorrow can not only be climate-resilient, vibrant, and healthy, but beneficial to biodiversity and their surroundings.

Fortstraat - Mortsel
Grotestraat - Nijverdal
Gedempte Singel - Assen

Work with us to shape a contemporary relationship with water.

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Key water projects